Reading room

General practice Terapia 2021, 5 ( 400 ) :  64  -  69

The doctor is the cure: Dialogue with the doctor for solving problems in pharmacotherapy of depression. A case report

Summary: Guidelines regarding pharmacological treatment of depres-sion and recommendations for the treatment of drug-resistant depression recommend various effective methods of modify-ing or augmenting pharmacotherapy in the event of a lack of response or difficulties in treatment. The paper suggests a complementary method of solving therapeutic difficulties. This method is a conversation (dialogue) between doctor and patient, which allows both of them to understand the nature of these difficulties or lack of response. A case of a patient with depression treated with sertraline at a dose of 100 mg is pre-sented. Significant improvement of the symptoms of the de-pressive syndrome was observed, but the patient developed severe anxiety at night. During the dialogue, it was found that due to the subjectively perceived impact of the drug on his mood, the patient was concerned about losing control over himself. Discussing this issue allowed the sertraline treatment to be continued, and the patientʼs anxiety symptoms vanished after this insight.
Keywords: pharmacotherapy, depression, sertraline, drug resistance, side effects, therapeutic relationship, problem solving

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