Reading room

General practice Terapia 2021, 11 ( 406 ) :  94  -  99

Optimizing eradication therapy of Helicobacter pylori infection: A practical view on current standards of care

Summary: Several eradication therapeutic algorithms have been introduced in recent years, evolving in the course of knowledge development. The most up-to-date guidelines, called the Maastricht V Consensus, were published in 2016 in Florence, Italy. They include therapeutic rules as well as indications for the eradication Helicobacter pylori therapy dedicated to an individual group. In Poland, the key role belongs to bismuth-based line therapies as the first line ("quadruple therapy"). Obviously, they have limitations such as uncomfortable dosing, intolerance as well as suboptimal efficacy in some individuals. Factors that potentially increase their efficacy include prolonging the therapy up to 14 days, double dosing of proton pump inhibitors and wider probiotic use. The paper discusses the practical aspects of H. pylori eradication with a view to showing ways of increasing its potential and reducing possible side effects.
Keywords: eradication, Helicobacter pylori, gastritis, probiotics, ulcer disease

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