Information for Authors

  • The editors do not accept unsolicited submissions.
  • Authors are responsible for the content of their papers.
  • Authors are obliged to comply with copyright law and ethical requirements.
  • Authors are obliged to inform the editors of any conflict of interest.
  • Submitted papers are subject to review.
  • Authors are requested to provide a declaration stating that their submission has not been published anywhere before.
  • Authors are requested to provide a declaration of consent to the publication of a submission in TERAPIA from the head of the unit (organization) where they are employed.
  • A paper that has been submitted and accepted for publication is the property of the publisher as defined by copyright law and may not be used in other publications without the publisher’s consent.
  • The total length of a paper, including the abstract, text, list of references, figures and tables, may not exceed 14 standard pages (approx. 25,000 characters). If longer papers are submitted, the authors will be asked to shorten them.
  • Submitting a paper to the editors, authors confirm their readiness to review no more than two papers by other TERAPIA authors, which will involve filling in a review form provided by the editors, within a period no longer than 24 months from the date of submitting their own paper.


Paper Writing Guidelines

  • Papers should be written in the following format:
  • title in Polish and English, full first names and surnames and full academic titles of the authors, the organization where the paper was written, together with the full title and name of the head of the clinic, address for correspondence, phone number and e-mail address; please also provide an address to be published in the relevant issue of TERAPIA for the authors’ correspondence with readers
  • an abstract (approx. 250 words) and keywords (5-8) in Polish and English
  • any figures should be provided on separate pages marked with the paper’s title and the names of the authors; wherever possible, please save the files in .jpg or .tif format and give the name of the software used to produce them
  • text may be written and edited using a word processor (preferably MS Word, .docx format), while tables and figures should be placed at the end of the paper or in separate files; papers may be sent via e-mail:
  • Literature (up to 30 items) should be listed in the order of citation, and references in the text should be placed in parentheses. Each item preceded by a consecutive number must start in a new line; do not use indentation or tabulation. Journal title abbreviations should follow the practice of Index Medicus. Provide author surnames and first name initials (for many co-authors, list only the first three followed by et al.), the paper title, the title or abbreviated title of the journal, year, volume, issue, page numbers (first and last). For books: the surnames and first name initials of the authors, the title of the book, place of publication, publisher, year of publication, volume number, page numbers (first and last).
  • The editors reserve the right to correct erroneous names, style and other language errors, and in special cases to shorten a paper (in consultation with the author).



The review process is unique, conforming to the standards for monographic publications and maintaining integrity in judging a paper’s merits. Each issue of the monthly is devoted to a different field of medicine and covers highly specialist subject matter (e.g. allergology, diabetology, gastroenterology, hypertensiology, cardiology, pneumonology, nephrology) or topics from the field of family medicine. The scientific editor of each issue is a physician with considerable academic achievements and a recognized high professional position – often the head of an institute, clinic or other research unit. This person serves as the selector of authors (including from his or her own clinic) and the first reviewer of submissions. In the next stage, papers are judged by an external reviewer. The review is a double-blind peer review – the identity of both the author and the reviewer is kept hidden. If a reviewer presents comments to the text, the author must respond to them and make any necessary corrections or additions. Once the reviewer’s positive opinion is obtained, the paper is accepted for publication.



  • TERAPIA monthly applies publication ethics rules based on the recommendations of the World Association of Medical Editors, which are available in full on the website.
  • The editors make every effort to ensure that the published papers meet the highest standards of scientific works, achieving this through a thorough, objective and fair review process.
  • Authors are obliged to submit papers they produced themselves, that are not plagiarism or self-plagiarism.
  • At the moment of submission, a paper may not have been submitted to another publisher.
  • Everyone who contributed to the paper must be listed as its authors in order to avoid ghost writing. A person who did not contribute to the paper (guest authorship) may not be listed as an author.
  • The contribution of individual authors must be properly specified.
  • If graphic elements are included in a paper, the author is obliged to cite their source and legal status.
  • Authors are obliged to list all external sources of funding for the work (including grants from institutions and private companies).
  • Authors and reviewers must promptly notify the publisher of any conflict of interest.
  • The final decision on publication is made by the scientific editor of the given issue, on the basis of the review of the paper, the journal’s profile and the paper’s usefulness to readers.
  • The publisher pledges to ensure a professional publishing process, maintain proper editing standards and follow the rules of the Polish language. On language issues, the position of the Polish Language Council is decisive.
  • The publisher is obliged to present the formatted text for authorization. The publisher does not publish papers that have not been authorized.
  • The publisher guarantees the authors and anyone else involved in the publication process information confidentiality and data processing security.