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Pneumonology Terapia 2020, 1 ( 384 ) :  52  -  57

Management of community-acquired pneumonia: Who should be admitted to hospital?

Summary: Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is a leading cause of hospitalization and death all over the world. Fever, productive cough, dyspnea and chest pain are typical symptoms in patients with CAP. However, elderly people suffering from CAP may present different symptoms, like altered mental status or gastrointestinal disturbances. In the management of patients with pneumonia it is very important to estimate the severity of the disease and forecast its course. Many scales are used to identify the increased risk of death in patients with severe CAP, like CRB-65, CURB-65, PSI and their modifications. They help in the early identification of patients who may require hospitalization and rapid intensive care so as to reduce mortality. These scales should support and not replace clinical evaluation. Some other factors such as socioeconomic status, the possibility of taking drugs orally, providing continuous outpatient care also have a great influence on the ultimate decision.
Keywords: CAP, community-acquired pneumonia, CRB-65 scale, CURB-65 scale, PSI scale

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