Pediatrics and allergology Terapia 2022, 10 ( 417 ) : 44 - 48
Role of dyslipidaemia in etiopathogenesis and the course of allergic diseases
Both lipid parameter abnormalities and allergic diseases are significant health problems in Polish population, regardless of age. Epidemiological studies have shown that allergic conditions increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease (related to atherosclerosis and associated with dyslipidaemia). On the other hand, lipid metabolism disorders may participate in a mechanism not yet fully understood in the development and maintenance of the Th-2-dependent immune reaction that underlies etiopathogenesis of allergic diseases. The coexistence of dyslipidemia and allergic rhinitis is associated with a more severe course of the disease, the higher risk of hipersensitivity to airborne allergens, especially perennial allergens, and with the more severe inflammation in the respiratory tract. Abnormalities in lipid parameters are more common in children and adults with asthma than in the general population. The course of atopic dermatities in patients with dyslipidemia is more severe than in children and adults without metabolic parameters abnormalities and thus worsens their daily functioning. However, the relationship between the occurrence of lipid metabolism disorders and the development and course of allergic diseases is still unclear and requires further research.
Keywords: dyslipidaemia, allergic rhinitis, asthma, atopic dermatities, children
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