Reading room

General practice Terapia 2023, 7 ( 426 ) :  40  -  47

Clinical application of group B vitamins in the diseases of central nervous system (CNS) – review of the literature and case report

Summary: The group B vitamins have a wide variety of functions in the human body playing a crucial roles as a coenzymes for enzymatic reactions in the different tissues. Paricularly, vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), and B12 (cobalamine) have a strong neurotropic effect. They provide energy to the nerve cells necessary for synthesis of DNA/RNA, neurotransmitters, and myelin. In the paper the review of the current knowledge of the usefulness of group B vitamins in CNS diseases, and a case report of female patient with neuropathic pain due to lumbo-sacral radiculopathy treated with combined formula of benfothiamine (B1 analogue), pyridoxine (B6 ) and cyanocobalamin (B12) were also presented.
Keywords: group B vitamins, thiamine, pyridoxine, cobalamine, nervous system diseases

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