Reading room

General practice Terapia 2020, 3 ( 386 ) :  60  -  72

Medical products and dietary supplements containing potassium chloride: Technological differences of pharmaceutical forms with regard to effective pharmacotherapy

Summary: Potassium is the main intracellular cation that is involved in the creation of the resting and functional potential of nerve cells and maintaining water and acid-base balance. Potassium deficiency states occur more frequently than its excess, and the incidence of hypokalemia varies and ranges from 14 to 20 percent depending on the population studied. Patients with such illnesses as hypertension, heart failure, arrhythmias, diabetes, kidney failure and those at risk of stroke require special attention and observation to prevent hypokalemia. The article tackles the issue of assessing the morphological and pharmaceutical properties of formulations with different legal status: medicinal products and dietary supplements present on the pharmaceutical market in various morphological forms: capsules with micropellets and skeletal tablets. All tested forms contain potassium chloride as the API (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient).
Keywords: medicinal products, dietary supplements, hard capsules, pellets, release profile, potassium chloride, pharmaceutical availability, kinetic release models

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