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Diabetology Terapia 2019, 5 ( 376 ) :  65  -  69

Vaccinating in diabetes – recommendation but reality

Summary: Diabetes which became a non-infectious epidemic of the 21st century is connected with a course of numerous complications caused by damages inducted by the state of the chronic hyperglycemia. It is also run to the disorder of functioning immunological system what is leading to bigger exposing to infectious illnesses and heavier their course. The best way of preventing infection there are applying preventive vaccinations apart from aspiration to draw as soon as possible the best metabolic level of essential illness. They are being recommended by WHO, ACIP, Ada, CDC, as well as in Polish PTD guidelines, paying special attention for vaccination against influenza, pneumococcal, viral hepatitis B as well as chickenpox.
In spite of the proven effectiveness of vaccination and health benefits for the patient the percentage of vaccinated is still very low and far away from the 75% target, indicated by WHO, achieving in Poland ca. 10%. As can be seen from conducted survey amongst patients, the main cause of such a state of affairs can be a lack of the solid knowledge and information provided by doctors. Information actions conducted by the medical staff with whom diabetes patients have a still contact, can lead to the current improvement in situation and consequently to reduce the incidence, mortality and the need for hospitalizations inducted by infectious diseases amongst diabetes patients.
Keywords: diabetes, PTD guidelines, vaccinations

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