General practice Terapia 2019, 3 ( 374 ) : 60 - 68
Management of arterial hypertension based on current ESC/ESH 2018 guidelines, in the light of the most common therapeutic problems of the primary care physician’s practice
The majority of studies show a significant relationship between hypertension and cardiovascular events. Higher blood pressure, above certain normotension values, should be considered an important risk factor of ischemic disease, renal disease and closely related to mortality. It is worth mentioning that the global prevalence of hypertension was estimated to be 1.13 billion in 2015, with a prevalence of over 150 million in Central and Eastern Europe according to 2018 ESC/ESH Guidelines for the management of arterial hypertension. Moreover, considering the changes in population lifestyle, characterized by advancing age, increased body weight and low physical activity, it is obvious that the prevalence of hypertension will continue to rise. All these risk factors, along with dyslipidemia, glucose intolerance or even diabetes mellitus leads to multiplicative risk escalation. Therefore, meticulous cardiovascular risk assessment based on the latest European guidelines is a essential step to implement a proper therapy scheme. Blood pressure fixed cut-off values and the overall therapeutic algorithm presented in the guidelines simplify the management of patients with hypertension, which makes them a useful tool in the primary care physician’s everyday practice. However, in the case of older patients and the population with diabetes mellitus concomitance, there are some therapeutic differences that should be considered. Furthermore, these groups of patients are well-represented in family doctors’ offices and it is certain that they require specific knowledge and attentive therapy implementation from the outset. The paper describes therapeutic schemes and presents practical advice based on the latest official Polish and European guidelines for the management of patients with arterial hypertension. There is also a need to focus on older patients and patients with diabetes mellitus, in whom both adequate and effective treatment might be a challenge of everyday therapy.
Keywords: blood pressure, arterial hypertension, guidelines, therapy, diabetes mellitus, elderly, primary care physician, general practitioner
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