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Nephrology and transplantology in the COVID era Terapia 2020, 5 ( 388 ) :  43  -  47

Practical approach to the diagnosis and treatment of anemia associated with chronic kidney disease

Summary: Anemia is a common feature of chronic kidney disease (CKD) associated with poor quality of life, high hospitalization rates, and increased mortality. The therapy’s mainstays remain erythropoiesis-stimulating agents (ESA), which can directly or indirectly act on the erythropoietin receptor present on erythroid progenitor cells, and iron supplementation. The article summarizes current trends in the management of anemia in CKD, the indications for the treatment, and its potential adverse effects. Additionally, novel therapies are shortly highlighted.
Keywords: anemia, chronic kidney disease, erythropoiesis-stimulating agents

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