Glucocorticoids (GS) are widely used in disease treatment in almost every field of medicine, because of their anti-inflammatory and immunosupressive action. They belong to group of steroid hormones, produced by adrenal cortex, regulating many metabolic process to maintain homeostasis of organism including carbohydrate, lipids and proteins metabolism. In clinical practice patients receive acute and chronic GS treatment in case of autoimmune, neurological, pulmonary and gastroenterological diseases. Unfortunately achievement of therapeutic success is associated with number of side effects, which special attention should be paid to carbohydrate metabolism disorders. According to current classification of diabetes mellitus steroid-induced diabetes mellitus (SIDM) is counted to other specific types of diabetes as secondary, drug- induced diabetes. Prevalence of SIDM varies from 34–56% (1, 2) depending on dose, duration of therapy and route of administration GS. GS are the most common cause of hyperglycaemia and SIDM. Undiagnosed SIDM results in infectious and cardiovascular complications.
Keywords: glucocorticoids, steroid- induced diabetes mellitus, insulin resistance, hyperglycemia, metabolic syndrome
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