Reading room

General practice Terapia 2019, 6 ( 377 ) :  74  -  79

Patient with hyperthyroidism in general practitioner’s office

Summary: Hyperthyroidism is one of the forms of thyrotoxicosis, where excessive production and secretion of hormones through the thyroid gland occurs. The term "thyrotoxicosis" is defined as the consequences of toxic excess of thyroid hormones on the body. Excessive amounts of thyroid hormones in thyrotoxicosis may have different aetiology (both endogenous and exogenous) and cause a wide range of clinical symptoms. In practice, these terms are used interchangeably.
The participation of general practitioners in the early detection, treatment and care of patients with hyperthyroidism is significant. This article focuses most on the most common cause of hyperthyroidism, Graves-Basedow disease.
Keywords: hyperthyroidism, Graves-Basedow disease, radioiodine treatment

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