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Medycyna rodzinna Terapia 2022, 3 ( 410 ) :  10  -  14

Szczepienia przeciw meningokokom i pneumokokom u dorosłych

Vaccination against meningococcus and pneumococcus in adults

Summary: Neisseria meningitidis infections remain an ongoing public health problem, with clear societal and healthcare costs. Neisseria meningitidis (meningococcus) causes significant morbidity and mortality among children and adults (especially young adults) worldwide as a result of endemic or epidemic meningi-tis and/or septicaemia (invasive meningococcal disease).
Streptococcus pneumoniae infections are a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide and pose a serious public health threat. Streptococci cause a spectrum of invasive diseases, including sepsis, meningitis and bacterial pneumonia, and are the most common aetiological agent causing community-aquired pneumonia.
The present analysis is a compilation of important information concerning vaccinations against meningococci and pneumococci in adults in Poland, as important elements of effective prevention of these infections, reduction of treatment costs, social costs and health consequences. The article contains a summary of preparations available in Poland and their dosage in the adult population.
Infections caused by meningococci and pneumococci are a current threat to public health in Poland. Primary prevention of infections in the form of vaccinations reduces health, social and, in the case of pneumococcal infections, financial costs. Vaccination should be particularly recommended among people from high-risk groups.
Keywords: vaccination, meningococci, pneumococci, adults, infectious diseases
Słowa kluczowe: szczepienia, meningokoki, pneumokoki, dorośli, choroby zakaźne

Niniejsza analiza stanowi zestawienie ważnych informacji dotyczących szczepień przeciwko meningokokom oraz pneumokokom u osób dorosłych, jako ważnych elementów skutecznego zapobiegania występowaniu tych zakażeń, ograniczenia kosztów leczenia, kosztów społecznych oraz następstw zdrowotnych.

Zdjęcie: Pixabay

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