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Nadciśnienie tętnicze i zaburzenia lipidowe Terapia 2022, 7 ( 414 ) :  66  -  76

Leczenie nadciśnienia tętniczego u chorych z przewlekłą chorobą nerek

Treatment of arterial hypertension in patients with chronic kidney disease

Summary: In patients with CKD, the incidence of arterial hypertension is high. The absence of a reduction in blood pressure at night, as well as masked hypertension are found in patients with CKD more often than in the general population. Therefore, in the diagnosis of arterial hypertension in patients with CKD, out of office measurements, i.e. home blood pressure measurements and ambulatory blood pressure monitoring should play a major role. The issue of target blood pressure in patients with CKD, in the light of the lack of convincing scientific evidences, has been still a subject of controversy. Therefore, according to the current recommendations of the Polish Society of Hypertension antihypertensive treatment goals in patients with CKD are the same as in the general population. In patients with CKD, and particular by in patients with proteinuria, the use of an ACEI or an ARB is preferable. The combined use of drugs from these two groups is contraindicated. Most patients with CKD require the use of a diuretic. The type and dose of which should depend on the severity of CKD. In patients with arterial hypertension and CKD, apart from antihypertensive treatment, nephroprotective pharmacotherapy should be used: dapagliflozin, and in patients with type 2 diabetes, also other SGLT2 inhibitors, in patients with metabolic acidosis – sodium bicarbonate, and in patients with diabetes – finerenon.
Keywords: arterial hypertension, blood pressure, chronic kidney disease
Słowa kluczowe: nadciśnienie tętnicze, przewlekła choroba nerek

Nadciśnienie tętnicze może towarzyszyć większości chorób nerek i często bywa pierwszym, a nierzadko jedynym objawem choroby tego narządu (1). W badaniu obejmującym reprezentatywną grupę dorosłych mieszkańców Stanów Zjednoczonych wykazano, że nadciśnienie tętnicze występowało u 23,3% osób bez przewlekłej choroby nerek (PChN), 35,8% w stadium 1. PChN, 48,1% w stadium 2. PChN, 59,9% w stadium 3. PChN i 84,1% chorych w stadium 4.–5. tej choroby (rycina 1) (2).

Zdjęcie: Photogenica.

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