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W gabinecie lekarza rodzinnego Terapia 2020, 12 ( 395 ) :  12  -  19

Ostre zapalenie zatok przynosowych (OZZP) u dzieci 2020 – miejsce na nowoczesną fitoterapię

Acute rhinosinusitis (ARS) in children 2020: place for modern phytotherapy

Summary: Acute rhinosinusitis (ARS) is the inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose and paranasal sinuses. ARS can have a very varied course, and the high severity of symptoms with frequent occurrence of this disease creates a significant problem of irrational use of antibiotics. According to the recommendations formulated in EPOS 2020, there are three main stages in the course of ARS: acute viral rhinitis (common cold), which, in an unsuccessful course, may turn into post-viral ACS or, in a small percentage of cases, into bacterial ARS. As viral infections are the dominant etiological factor in ARS, symptomatic treatment is of great importance. This treatment should be adequate to the phase of the disease and focus on the most troublesome symptoms in a given phase of the disease, such as nasal discharge, swelling, inflammation, pain or fever. Herbal medicines are an important element of symptomatic treatment that can be used in every phase of the disease. One of them is a drug containing a five-component plant extract BNO 1016. Clinical data confirm the multidirectional therapeutic effect of BNO 1016 in the course of ARS, significantly reducing symptoms and reducing the duration of the disease. The use of herbal drugs reduces the need to use other drugs such as NSAIDs, GCs and antibiotics, reducing the risk of side effects. Antibiotics in the treatment of ARS should be reserved only for well thought-out and justified situations that meet the symptomatologic criteria of developing bacterial superinfection.
Keywords: acute rhinosinusitis, ARS, phytotherapy, BNO 1016, upper respiratory tract, children
Słowa kluczowe: ostre zapalenia nosa i zatok, OZNZ, fitoterapia, BNO 1016, górne drogi oddechowe, dzieci

Ostre zapalenie nosa i zatok przynosowych (OZNZ, rhinosinusitis) to stan zapalny toczący się w obrębie jamy nosowej i zatok obocznych nosa. Termin ten został wprowadzony w latach 90. ubiegłego stulecia w USA przez Agencję Opieki Zdrowotnej i Polityki Badań Naukowych w miejsce ostrego zapalenia zatok. [AHCPR 1999] Nazwa ta lepiej oddaje dynamikę tej choroby, czyli rozprzestrzenianie się infekcji z nosogardła na zatoki oboczne nosa, które wykształcają się ok. 4.–5. r.ż.

Zdjęcie: Photogenica

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