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W gabinecie lekarza rodzinnego Terapia 2021, 5 ( 400 ) :  8  -  20

Krztusiec u dorosłych

Pertussis in adults

Summary: Whooping cough is an infectious disease caused by the Gram-negative bacillus Bordetella pertussis. Whooping cough remains one of the least controlled infectious diseases that can be prevented by vaccination. The World Health Organization esti-mates that there are 13‒15 million cases of pertussis in the world annually, which lead to 200,000‒300,000 deaths.
The epidemiological situation of whooping cough in Poland has changed significantly in recent years. We observe a shift in the incidence of the disease from the youngest population to older age groups. Teenagers and adults are becoming ill with whooping cough increasingly often. The importance of adults as a source of B. pertussis infection for the youngest children (unvaccinated or not fully vaccinated) is emphasized ‒ in their case, whooping cough, and above all its complications, can have serious health consequences and even be life-threatening.
Whooping cough in adults is often detected too late. This is because of very nonspecific symptoms that resemble a cold or the flu. A patient should be suspected of whooping cough when the cough persists for more than seven days and is paroxysmal.
Whooping cough is still a public health threat. In 2017, a to-tal number of 3,061 cases of whooping cough was reported in Poland, of which 1,446 (47.3%) concerned people aged 15 and over. This situation is a result of several factors, including: the disappearance of vaccine immunity over time after vaccination, the constant presence of a pathogenic microorganism in the population, high infectivity, transmission of the infec-tion to the youngest from incompletely vaccinated caregivers and people from the immediate environment, and refusal to vaccinate.
Vaccination against pertussis according to the current vac-cination schedule (mandatory and recommended) still remains the only effective strategy to reduce the number of cases in the population, and the current epidemiological situation indicates the need for booster vaccinations in adults.
Keywords: pertussis, infectious diseases, adults, immunization, epidemiology
Słowa kluczowe: krztusiec, choroby zakaźne, dorośli, szczepienia, epidemiologia

Krztusiec (koklusz, pertussis) jest wywoływaną przez zakażenie Gram-ujemną pałeczką Bordetella pertussis chorobą zakaźną, której można zapobiegać poprzez szczepienia ochronne (1).
Do czasu wprowadzenia powszechnych szczepień przeciwko krztuścowi był on najważniejszą przyczyną zgonów niemowląt. W Polsce w latach 50. ubiegłego wieku notowano ponad 1000 zgonów niemowląt rocznie.
Niestety, krztusiec pozostaje wciąż jedną z najsłabiej kontrolowanych chorób zakaźnych, którym można zapobiegać za po-mocą szczepień. Światowa Organizacja Zdrowia (World Health Organization, WHO) szacuje, że na świecie występuje rocznie 13‒15 mln zachorowań, które prowadzą do 200 000‒300 000 zgonów (2).

Zdjęcie: Pixabay

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