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Choroby wieku podeszłego Terapia 2022, 12 ( 419 ) :  10  -  14

Demencja – postępowanie w zaburzeniach zachowania i objawach psychotycznych

Dementia – management of behavioral disorders and psychotic symptoms

Summary: Behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD) represent a broad spectrum, including altered perceptions of reality, abnormal thinking, mood or behavioural disorders, which are common in people with dementia and have a significant impact on the quality of life of the patient and caregivers. Due to their numerous causes related to the patient himself, his caregiver or the environment in which he functions, the basic issue is to collect a detailed medical history, internal assessment of the patient, his somatic condition, chronic diseases and medications taken. Non-pharmacological management is an important part of treatment. It includes activities aimed at the patient, his caregiver and interventions that modify the external factors / environment of the patient. Pharmacological intervention should be undertaken primarily in a situation where the patient may pose a threat to himself or the environment. Antipsychotics, antidepressants and antiepileptic drugs are used. The aim of this work is to systematize knowledge about the diagnosis and treatment of behavioral disorders and psychotic symptoms accompanying dementia.
Keywords: dementia, BPSD, behavioural disorder, psychotic symptoms
Słowa kluczowe: demencja, BPSD, zaburzenia zachowania, objawy psychotyczne

W 1994 roku Międzynarodowe Towarzystwo Psychogeriatryczne zaproponowało wprowadzenie terminu: behawioralne i psychologiczne symptomy otępienia (behavioral and psychological symptoms in dementia, BPSD). Symptomy te przyczyniają się do znacznego obniżenia jakości życia chorego, mają również negatywny wpływ na jego otoczenie.

Zdjęcie: Photogenica.

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