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W gabinecie lekarza rodzinnego Terapia 2020, 3 ( 386 ) :  82  -  92

Praktyczne aspekty postępowania w leczeniu NAFLD w świetle najnowszych zaleceń Polskiej Grupy Ekspertów NAFLD 2019

Practical aspects of NAFLD treatment in the light of the latest Polish NAFLD Expert Group 2019 recommendations

Summary: In 2016 the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL), the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) and the European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO) developed and published Clinical Practice Guidelines for the management of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). In 2019, on the initiative of Professor Marek Hartleb representing the NAFLD Expert Group, a group of 20 Polish experts in gastroenterology, diabetes, cardiology, obesitology, family medicine, pharmacology, transplantology, dietetics, pediatrics and pathology developed recommendations of Polish experts in the management of patients with NAFLD. Clinicians, especially family doctors, annually receive numerous guidelines from expert groups on different disease entities, which are usually very detailed, which makes it difficult with limited time to become familiar with them and implement them into everyday clinical practice. Therefore the paper aims to outline the guidelines of the Polish group of experts in a nutshell, so that the practitioner can become familiar with their key elements and apply them in daily clinical practice.
The primary form of NAFLD is metabolic complication of obesity, and an important link of the pathogenesis of the other obesity metabolic complications (type 2 diabetes, lipid disturbances, atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases and endocrine disturbances). Therefore, diagnosis of NAFLD should be carried out in all patients with obesity, and a diagnosis of obesity and its metabolic complications should be carried out in all patients diagnosed with NAFLD. It should also be remembered that in patients with metabolic complications of obesity, the risk of developing non-alcoholic fatty hepatitis (NASH) increases significantly. If the right treatment is used, i.e. effective treatment of obesity and its possible metabolic complications, for example ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA), hepatic histological reversal may be achieved until cirrhosis develops.
Keywords: non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, treatment
Słowa kluczowe: niealkoholowa stłuszczeniowa choroba wątroby, leczenia

W 2016 r. Europejskie Towarzystwa Badań nad Wątrobą (European Association for the Study of the Liver, EASL), Badań nad Cukrzycą (European Association for the Study of Diabetes, EASD) i Badań nad Otyłością (European Association for the Study of Obesity, EASO) opracowały i wydały wspólne wytyczne dotyczące praktyki klinicznej leczenia niealkoholowej stłuszczeniowej choroby wątroby (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, NAFLD) (1). Z kolei w 2019 r. z inicjatywy prof. Marka Hartleba, reprezentującego Grupę Ekspertów NAFLD powołaną przez Polskie Towarzystwo Gastroenterologiczne, grupa 20 polskich ekspertów z dziedziny gastroenterologii, diabetologii, kardiologii, obesitologii, medycyny rodzinnej, farmakologii, transplantologii, dietetyki, pediatrii i patomorfologii opracowała zalecenia postępowania z chorymi na niealkoholową stłuszczeniową chorobę wątroby (2).

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