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Nadciśnienie tętnicze i zaburzenia lipidowe Terapia 2020, 10 ( 393 ) :  24  -  31

Wysokie dawki statyn ‒ wiadomo, że warto, więc dlaczego ich unikamy?

High dose of statin ‒ if it is worth it, why do we avoid it?

Summary: Cardiovascular diseases are still the main cause of death or deterioration of health in Poland and other countries. Elevated cholesterol levels closely correlate with the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases, including stroke and myocardial infarction. Moreover, it has been proven that lipid metabolism disorders are responsible for the occurrence of approximately 33% of ischemic heart disease. The main goal of treatment of lipid disorders is to reduce the progression of atherosclerosis by significantly reducing the concentration of LDL cholesterol to the recommended values. Considering that most people need to lower their LDL cholesterol by more than 50%, high-dose statins should be used as monotherapy and/or in combination with ezetimibe. It should be emphasized that clinical studies have clearly demonstrated that as LDL cholesterol levels are lowered, the risk of cardiovascular events is reduced, with no lower limit for LDL cholesterol levels below which the reduction is of no benefit or the J-curve effect.
Keywords: hypercholesterolemia, statin, dose, treatment target
Słowa kluczowe: hipercholesterolemia, statyny, dawka, cele terapeutyczne

Choroby sercowo-naczyniowe stanowią nadal główną przyczynę zgonów lub pogorszenia stanu zdrowia w Polsce i w innych krajach. Częstość występowania zawałów serca i/lub udaru mózgu zwiększa się u chorych z obecnymi czynnikami ryzyka sercowo-naczyniowego, takimi jak nadciśnienie tętnicze, zaburzenia gospodarki lipidowej i palenie tytoniu (1‒3).

Zdjęcie: Photogenica

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